At Advisorate, we offer a convenient and secure process for setting up mandates, enabling automated recurring payments for our services.

How to Create a Mandate:

  1. Send the details : To initiate the process, please send the details to our team.
  2. Our Team Will Contact You: Once we receive your information, our team will review your request and reach out to guide you through the next steps.
  3. Easy Setup & Secure Transactions: We’ll assist you in setting up the mandate, ensuring a smooth process with the highest levels of security and compliance.

Once submitted, our team will reach out to you within 1-2 business days to confirm the details and complete the mandate setup. For immediate assistance, feel free to contact us at

Amendment of E-Mandates:

If you need to amend an existing e-mandate, our team is here to assist you.

To request changes to your mandate, please contact our support team at and we will get back to you within 48 hours. We will guide you through the amendment process and ensure the necessary updates are made promptly and securely.

For any questions or further assistance, feel free to reach out. We’re happy to help!

Cancellation of E-Mandates:

For mandate cancellation, please send below details to our email address
Full Name, Email, Phone, Company Name, CIN, Mandate Amount, Mandate Subscription ID
Request Cancellation will be processed within 7 days

Suspension of E-Mandates/ Revocation of Suspension:

To suspend or revoke suspension, please send below details to our email address
Full Name, Email, Phone, Company Name, CIN, Mandate Amount, Mandate Subscription ID
Request will be processed within 7 days.