Annual Filing

LLP Annual Filing

Get your Form 8 and Form 11 filed at

INR 1499/- only

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What is LLP Annual Filing?

LLP’s Annual Filings are basically two E-Forms which are reported to the Registrar within the due dates. These E-Form are Form 8 and Form 11.

Form 8 is a Statement of Account & Solvency of the LLP. Details of financial transaction undertaken by the LLP and its position at the year are reported in Form 8.

Form 11 is an Annual Return of the LLP and this contains the details of partners, their contribution, etc.

Documents Required for LLP Annual Filing

For Form 8:

  1. Details of Assets and Liabilities as on year end
  2. Statement of Income and Expenditure

For Form 11:

  1. Number of Partners
  2. Contribution by partners
  3. Details of partners (Name, Address, Father’s Name, Designation, DIN/PAN)
  4. Principal business activity of the LLP

Procedure for LLP Annual Filing in India

  1. Filling of a Checklist
  2. Submission of documents
  3. Verification of documents
  4. Preparation of Form 8/ Form 11
  5. Submission of Form 8/ Form 11
  6. Challan Payment
  7. Acknowledgement generation
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LLP Annual Filing

LLP Annual Filing in India made simple by Advisorate